
Posts Tagged ‘first trip’

I got a gift, a large piece of blue rubber band. I hope it’s the gift that keeps on giving.

Today was the first trip to physio, 6 weeks after my achilles rupture. My physio is great, really helpful, nice to have someone to ask all the questions that I had built up, don’t get me wrong my doctor is great, but he’s all business. I was given a list of exercises which I have to do 5 times a day, calf, knee, ankle – nothing escapes. Apart from the pool of sweat I left for my poor physio, it was all good.

The first time I had to do them on my own I was sick in my stomach, to be honest I’ve felt the same the second, third and fourth times as well, but I’m sure it will pass. One exercise envolves me sitting, putting my foot flat on the floor, and sliding it back towards me. This was a squeaky bum moment, foot on the floor for the first time properly, waiting for a ‘pop’.

So far my foot and leg at the moment aren’t really into this moving thing, but it’s early days and all that.

Next trip back to the Hospital is on Wednesday to get the heel block in my air cast boot cut down from 4cm to 2cm, no idea how that will go. Then a trip to the Physio on Thursday for more elastic band based fun times.

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